I reside in the United States. I was actively psychic by the age of 14, although I noticed things of the psychic nature earlier.
Later when I was in my 30's, I started giving readings in my home for people outside my family working with the Lord and His
Angels. Then in April, 1999, I was told by the Lord Jesus to begin His work on the Internet. At that time we didn't even
own a computer, let alone have the Internet, so you can sense this was new territory for me, as well as a leap of faith.
Being a novice with the Internet, I first started giving readings daily in a few psychic Chat Rooms, and then it evolved into
having my own (Hope From Beyond) Chat Room, giving readings and teaching about psychic abilities every day. After repeated
requests for me to have a website, I realized this was my next step. Many topics of my articles were directly the inspiration
from questions I frequently received. After 3 and 1/2 years I became so busy with working on writing articles and private
readings, I needed to "practice what I preached" and balance it all with the rest of my life. In September 2003,
I moved the Hope From Beyond Chat Room to the MSN "Hope From Beyond Forum Group". When MSN closed in 2009 we moved
our forum over to our new location on Aimoo, (http://hopefrombeyond.aimoo.com) and it's a great place. It was the Lord's
idea to have me develop what He called "an Internet Enrichment Center", where it would be totally free for anyone
using the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. He said the phrase to me from the movie "Field of Dreams", "if you build
it, we will come." He has done what He said He would with involving His Angels and Ascended Masters, and Guides to help
with the challenge of providing information and support here at Hope From Beyond, so this group truly is the Lord's Group
for information on Gifts of the Holy Spirit. He is directly involved with this "Enrichment Center", Hope From
Beyond. I do not provide this service for profit. With offering a free reading here on the Internet, it does understandably
open up a psychic to receive a large volume of reading requests with the person waiting a long time for their reading. Our
Forum Group also has a lot of members and keeping up with their questions takes a lot of time. In order to be fair to each
person requesting a reading to receive it in a timely manner, I've had to make a decision concerning the readings and has
limited myself to working in the forum answering questions there, and giving a one-time private email reading only if there
is an emergency or serious problem. This would be in the area of spirit attacks, possession and spirit attachment cases or
a genuinely serious need. Blessings to you, Lilly Copyright © 1999 Lilly, HopeFromBeyond - All Rights Reserved