The following are questions that have reoccurred fairly often and would be beneficial to have added to
our side bar column and as you can realize, this will be added onto whenever there is another common question that comes up.
Q: I have been regularly hearing spirit trying to talk to me. I hear the muffled tone and I know they are trying to talk
to me. I stretch my spirit ears and really concentrate on what is being said but, I cannot hear it. I know it is getting better
with each time I hear it... is this a process that takes time or is there something I am missing here? A: Yes, it
is a process that does take time in some cases, yet for the majority with what you are experiencing why you can't hear their
words clearly isn't anything to do with your own "equipment" so to speak. It has to do with the technique the Spirit
Guides commonly do which is to deliberately muffle their words or cover their mouth with their hand while they speak, or even
stand too far away from you physically so that all you hear are muffled words. Now why would they do that? The reason why
is that they want you deliberately trying harder to focus in hearing them. The more effort you put out, the better your abilities
are strengthened much like a "muscle" so to speak. I hear similar experiences all the time with my correspondence,
and I myself had that same training given me. They seem to think that the easier they make it for us, the less effort we will
put out to hear them, so they want us going through a kind of strengthening "boot camp" exercises to train us initially
to be more keenly attune to their wavelength frequency, and better equipped to hear even those Spirits who are less in volume
and strength capacity to transfer their voice telepathically. The higher the Spirit the much more clear their words are heard.
Now don't assume that you won't be wanting to now practice just because you only want to hear High Spirits, because say for
example someone who is newly crossed over to the Other Side will not have as much strength to project their voices into our
minds telepathically as would someone who has been there a while. Also someone who has been upset prior to their passing,
or is sad will also have less strength to transmit their thoughts, too. If you are well trained, you will be able to hear
clearly just about everyone. Q: Can you tell me why would a spirit make contact with someone unrelated to her/him?
Is there a connection that the living person cannot at first see? A: If a spirit is totally unrelated to the Earth
Person and is presenting themselves to the Earth Person, wanting to have a relationship now initiated with them, there could
be several reasons why, some good and some bad: If the human being (Earth Person) is having a spirit telling them
that they are their Spirit Guide, then there would be the reason of helping the Earth Person as a Spirit Guide, yet whenever
that is the circumstance, Spirit Guides are required to make a presentation that they are telling the Earth Person that they
are their Spirit Guide. If nothing is mentioned by this spirit of being a Spirit Guide, the situation could be that the spirit
is what is termed a "Traveler", one who is traveling the Earth having some free time out from Purgatory or somewhere
in the Spirit Realm and is allowed to make Earth a "secondary location" for them. In this case, if the "Traveler"
is contacting someone solely due to the spirit's attraction to this Earth Person, I would suggest to immediately contact the
Lord Jesus Christ in prayer, asking for God's divine protection in which case there immediately will come forth Angels (as
they are required to do in each and every case) and their immediate response is to be expected by the human being praying.
I stress this by underlining it is this: What I mean exactly by "to be expected" is that when you ask in prayer
to be protected from this invasion by this spirit, the Arch Angels will be coming and you are to fully understand and strongly
know for a fact that the Arch Angels have come and are handling this whole event with this invasive spirit. When you are confidently
knowing that you now will not be harmed or interfered with by this negative or irritating spirit because you have prayed to
God and placed this whole event in God's Hands, your own Auric Field will reflect this now altered attitude of being confidently
blessed with protection. You no longer will reveal any kind of fear energy or anxiety emotion which is exactly what a negative
spirit wants. Emotions radiating from us humans here on Earth are seen and sensed by all spirits. It is important to point
out that emotions themselves are energy. Like attracts like. Negative Spirits feed off of this fear emotion energy much like
an energy source for them. When a human being is frightened, their vibrational wavelength is immediately lowered and now is
into a lower bandwidth of vibratory wavelength, as all negative feelings are. That old saying: "there is nothing to fear
except fear itself" is true. That is how a negative spirit is successful in gaining further ground with an upset or troubled
human on the Earth. The negative spirit who is of a lower wavelength wants to be closer to a lowered energy level human on
the Earth, (standing inside the human's Auric Field), just so that they can be standing or even residing within that Earth
Person's Auric Field. The reason why is that the Earth Plane where we are living in the flesh here is of a HIGHER wavelength
for dark spirits. They can't stand or tolerate the much stronger higher vibrations and tires a lower level negative Spirit
to remain on the surface of the Earth for any duration if there is positive energy in the area. These higher vibrations are
too strong for them and it causes them to drain down and they thus drop or travel back down into the wavelength of lower vibrations
below the surface of the Earth. (As an aside here: That is why places that have had murder or violent deaths occur often retain
for a time a much lower energy wavelength and other dark spirits will go to those locations just to dwell since it now is
at the same wavelength as Purgatory is.) So if an Earth Person's energy is lowered to the wavelength of the Minus or Purgatory
vibrational tone, it is like a zone or area of energy similar to what the Minus or Purgatory level is. That is why it is important
to pray for aid, if you are being frightened, upset or feeling darkness surrounding you at any given time. Please read: "Spirit
Attachments for further information. Q. What is the Second Coming of Christ? A: The Second Coming of Christ
is now upon us with the Spiritual Awakening, thus our being now able to see our Lord Jesus whenever we wish to if we JUST
ASK. He is now there for those who love Him. That is why this is called the Second Coming, and not something like "He
is now physically here time". He will not be coming fully here in the flesh, yet He will be viewed by all those who love
Him sometime in the near future in a cloud in our skies. Q: What is judgment? A: As to judgment, the Lord
told me many years ago "The lack of motivation is the single-most problem in the Universe." Trying to keep us motivated
with wanting to improve has been the foundation of many laws and rules that the Lord has imposed upon us. I know in the last
chapter of the Book of Revelation it is written "Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense, to repay everyone
for what he has done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. Each time we
come back Home to the Spirit Realm we have a Past Life Review and therefore are judged as to what goals we reached and what
goals we failed at. We should not fear judgment, yet consider it an evaluation necessary to help keep us motivated, and remember
that with Eternity in Heaven there is no death, which makes it clear that without something to help us stay motivated we could
have the possibility of lethargy and stagnation upon us with our will to keep going on a path of self improvement. Responsibility
and accountability are two other aspects of judgment, too. We need to have some sort of foundation there to keep us as a society
moral and upright. The lack of good morals has been a major factor in the downfall of all the past major civilizations of
our ancient world. I feel we need some sort of system there to help us stay the course. I know there truly isn't a "perfect
system" that works 100% well, yet this is what the Lord has worked out and for me I am at peace with it. I've asked Him
about this and He has agreed that the system does work, yet not totally to the agreement of all. Earth isn't perfect, Heaven
isn't perfect, people are not perfect, so having a system that compensates for the imperfections in our existence and works
fairly well is the best we have till we can figure out an even better one that works in the long run. You see with the Heavenly
Realm knowing the extent of extremely long periods of time, Eons, and that historical record has been able to be evaluated
and studied, we can use this knowledge to consider in retrospect where we could have improved upon. The "pendulum"
swings to the left and then swings to the right, back and forth from good to evil in our society, era upon era, yet over time
those in a "Think Tank" workshop in the Spirit Realm's Angelic Level can review what is working and what isn't.
This is the job of the Elders, as mentioned in the Book of Revelation. These 24 Elders do much scrutinizing work and have
access to High Souls whose job it is to evaluate and consider other options. They are always hard at work trying to find ways
to improve Earth, and it's good to know they are there trying to help. Q: I am able at times to have words come forth
through me that flow smoothly and always is of a positive, helpful, loving and wise nature. Words and information I know that
isn't coming FROM me, but rather THROUGH me. I am able to help family and friends this way and I am grateful. Could you explain
this? A: You asked about what describes "Divine Guidance". It is the Inner Locution Ability of Hearing the
Holy Spirit's words through your Heart Chakra blending with the 6th and the 7th Chakras, and then coming forth through your
5th Chakra. So basically your Heart Chakra is widening up to become One with God through the Holy Spirit Bandwidth Energy
and infuses into it the Throat Chakra, the Indigo Chakra, and the Crown of Life Chakra also, making them ENTIRELY INTERLINKED.
Now when that happens it is all through the Holy Spirit and there is a Biblical reference here.: Mt 10:19 - Show Context
When they deliver you up, do not be anxious how you are to speak or what you are to say; for what you are to say will
be given to you in that hour; Mr 13:11 - Show Context And when they bring you to trial and deliver you up,
do not be anxious beforehand what you are to say; but say whatever is given you in that hour, for it is not you who speak,
but the Holy Spirit. Lu 12:11 - Show Context And when they bring you before the synagogues and the rulers
and the authorities, do not be anxious how or what you are to answer or what you are to say; All this shows that the
Lord can come and speak through us with the Holy Spirit and have His Holy Energy of Divine Locution be sent through us and
that is why we can come across with wonderful, sincere, heart-felt wisdom that truly isn't coming from ourselves but from
God via our mouths. I know that I personally have been sharing what the Lord gives through me, and know it is the Holy Spirit's
message, not myself. When you slow down a bit your way of speaking and not blurt out quickly your words, you give the Holy
Spirit time to come forth. You can feel the soft, loving Yin Vibration resonating with a high, clear, inner peace and loving
Energy while you speak this divine guidance wisdom. This wonderful Energy sensation comes with the Divine Guidance given through
you. You know clearly and without a doubt that it is not what you yourself could have initiated, since the information is
that which you yourself didn't know prior, and the way it is stated is obviously of divine origin. It just flows evenly and
when it is concluded you feel it softly close up, giving you the notice that you are to end. So it in a way is controlled
yet peaceful, and that also is how it always is: Peaceful. The biblical prophets of ancient times had this ability, and Jesus
was instructing his Disciples to know how to use it. This also is one of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Q. What is
a "Traveler", I've seen that written in readings here? Who are they in the Spirit Realm? A. They are Spirit
People who don't have any ambition, drive, or motivation to do anything other than roam around. Now if they reside in Heaven,
they do have to work, but if they chose NOT to live in Heaven, they must stay down on the Earth Plane which affords them less
and less choices, eventually bringing them down into the Purgatory levels and they don't even notice it till they wake up
one morning and the environment has changed. They are able to do much during that interim time though traveling about the
realms in Spirit. Travelers don't want to get caught by any Monks who do the Lord's Work on the Earth. Monks in brown robes
do monitor their secret travels, and some of the Spirits know about the Monks coming and removing them one by one. If you
sense that there is a negative presence in your house and it could be one of these intruding Spirit Travelers, tell them to
go to the Light of the Lord Jesus Christ or I will call the Monks to remove you from my house! Say it very emphatically, and
then if he/she remains, do FOLLOW THROUGH and report them to the Lord Jesus. Usually Indigo Children witness these Spirit
People the most and it can affect a child's mind about who is able to be in Their House, you see. Kids are vulnerable enough
as it is without having a Traveler coming and telling him things, and making them upset. Q: Why can't I see, feel,
sense, and hear psychically? A: I truly understand what you are saying and what you are going through. Maybe if I told
you about myself it would help you? I know if anyone would have told me back when I was young....say in my early 20's that
I would be doing what I do today, seeing the Lord, Angels, and various Holy Beings in the Spirit Realm like this and helping
people here on the global Internet, I would have burst out laughing in total disbelief of them, rolling my eyes and saying
something like "OH Yeah, RIGHT ...HA HA HA!.... I wouldn't have believed it, and would have balked.... But there again
I was puzzled by how I was. I was always reading since my early teens about psychic and spiritual subjects, reading everything
I could find on the subject. At that time there wasn't a major amount of books on the subject, back in the 60's but some.
I just wouldn't read much of anything else and literally would force myself to take at least one off-subject book from the
library, such as a bio or something unrelated, just so that I didn't make myself think I was obsessed with it. I felt driven
to know, soaking in all that was written, gleaning whatever I could, and analyzing and comparing notes. I couldn't see where
this was all leading, and I even remember asking my husband "why do I only read these types of books?" I just couldn't
figure it out why I was in a way educating myself with all this information, back when there weren't computers smaller than
a large room and no such thing as the Internet. I would ask him "what am I going to do with knowing about all this? There
wasn't anyone other than my Mother whom I could discuss this with and even my husband's eyelids would instantly start to droop
if I mentioned it to him. (My Dad when I spoke about it became very quiet, very quiet and uncomfortable....) I didn't feel
drawn to read anything else. Well, my husband didn't know why and neither did I then. You see, I was lead to reading them,
and you've said you felt you were "sent here" (meaning sent here to HopeFromBeyond). It feels to me like a similar
situation, doesn't it? I felt lead, and you felt lead. So many times in life we are drawn or sent to a place or to
a person who is able to further assist us on our Journey of Self. We are all on paths to reach our ultimate understanding
of who we are, even who we were, too. We are wanting to know where we came from, where we are going, and this desire for higher
knowledge and understanding no matter Who we label God as, seems to be what motivates us to continue on with our journeys.
I've heard it said many times that it isn't the destination so much as it is the journey itself that is the important factor
here. We are all trying to gain a higher understanding of ourselves and how we fit in, and we are considering that this path
we take will lead us to an Enlightened state, "someday" (hopefully soon). I would recommend to do an experiment,
a meditation to ponder on that theme and then feel with your heart as you ponder this idea, this feeling you have, focusing
on it. Look into yourself with this feeling you had, take it into your heart....examine it with your feelings and then notice
where this Energy of this feeling comes from. The reason why I suggest this is that feeling sent to someplace makes a person
feel the emotional energy of the feeling, and that is where you have hone in on it to see any traces of feeling of who sent
it, why they sent it, how it can help you further, etc. Hold this feeling like it is a box with this feeling inside and then
look with your mind's eyes (which truly are your Spirit Eyes), and see if you can feel anything else there in that "box"
--that feeling. See if you can feel with your heart or even see with your mind a vision of how it all is leading you further
with your Spiritual Quest. You see, this is clearly and undoubtedly a psychic event you had with your sensing that
you were sent here. You don't feel you are psychic, but you already proved that you are with what you have said, and I know
you are not considering this all that much as anything psychic so to speak, yet it truly was and is a psychic linking you
experienced. Most of the time a new psychic doubts a great deal of their psychic experiences right at first, as it happens
so easily that a new psychic will automatically think that it needs to be more complicated to be psychic, dismissing and dispute
what they just experienced. With now knowing and totally realizing that you already had a psychic experience, now step forward
and trust your next psychic event, and the next, etc. If you build up your trust in yourself with this new way of being, you
will eventually have a firm and solid foundation over time with all that you have experienced psychically and I do recommend
as a suggestion of keeping a journal of these events, as I did for years. I know I have reams of pages that I have typed since
1989. Back then I bought those kids spiral bound notebooks 70 count, and wrote on those filling them up, gradually going from
that to typing, writing these experiences down when they were fresh and detailed in my mind. It's just a suggestion, but it
did help me with going back over the years and read what truly were psychic experiences, proving at least to myself and my
family that all of this was true. Q: What is Divine Guidance? A: Divine Guidance is the Inner Locution Ability
of Hearing the Holy Spirit's words through your Heart Chakra blending with the 6th and the 7th Chakras, and then coming forth
through your 5th Chakra. So basically your Heart Chakra is widening up to become One with God through the Holy Spirit Bandwidth
Energy and infuses into it the Throat Chakra, the Indigo Chakra, and the Crown of Life Chakra also, making them ENTIRELY INTERLINKED.
Now when that happens it is all through the Holy Spirit and there is a Biblical reference here. Mt 10:19 - Show Context
When they deliver you up, do not be anxious how you are to speak or what you are to say; for what you are to say will
be given to you in that hour; Mr 13:11 - Show Context And when they bring you to trial and deliver you up,
do not be anxious beforehand what you are to say; but say whatever is given you in that hour, for it is not you who speak,
but the Holy Spirit. Lu 12:11 - Show Context And when they bring you before the synagogues and the rulers
and the authorities, do not be anxious how or what you are to answer or what you are to say; All this shows that the
Lord can come and speak through us with the Holy Spirit and have His Holy Energy of Divine Locution be sent through us and
that is why we can come across with wonderful, sincere, heart-felt wisdom that truly isn't coming from ourselves but from
God via our mouths. I know that I personally have been sharing what the Lord gives through me, and know it is the Holy Spirit's
message, not myself. When you slow down a bit your way of speaking and not blurt out quickly your words, you give the Holy
Spirit time to come forth. You can feel the soft, loving Yin Vibration resonating with a high, clear, inner peace and loving
Energy while you speak this divine guidance wisdom. This wonderful Energy sensation comes with the Divine Guidance given through
you. You know clearly and without a doubt that it is not what you yourself could have initiated, since the information is
that which you yourself didn't know prior, and the way it is stated is obviously of divine origin. It just flows evenly and
when it is concluded you feel it softly close up, giving you the notice that you are to end. So it in a way is controlled
yet peaceful, and that also is how it always is: Peaceful. The biblical prophets of ancient times had this ability, and Jesus
was instructing his Disciples to know how to use it. This also is one of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Q: What are
Gifts of the Spirit? A: It is from what Paul wrote in his letter to the Corinthians. In Chapters 12 - 14 Paul discussed
Spiritual Gifts. It is 1st Corinthians, Chapter 12, Verse 4: "Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit;
and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of working, but it is the same God who inspires
them all in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. To one is given through the Spirit
the utterance of knowledge according to the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing
by the one Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another the ability to distinguish between
spirits, to another various kinds of tongues. All these are inspired by one and the same Spirit, who apportions to each one
individually as he wills. For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, through many,
are one body, so it is with Christ." Q: My daughter witnessed last night at work a Roman Soldier by her side.
Now to see a 'ghost' or 'spirit' of a Roman Soldier is quite common here in England, because they occupied this country so
many centuries ago. But this experience left us wondering, was it a ghost (meaning it was just residual energy). Or a spirit
that hasn't moved on? A: The Roman Soldier truly is not actually a practicing soldier currently. He was and is a Lightworker
who does at times like to return in clothing he used to wear. This is much like a costume for him. So don't think that it
is to be impressive if she or anyone sees someone wearing a dramatic or extravagant costume/outfit. It is just their way of
having fun out of their existence in Eternity. Judge the feeling of the Energy emanating out of the Spirits, not what they
are wearing, is a wise idea. Spirits can wear anything they want usually, except if they go around impersonating someone else,
or of a high rank, such as wearing the Robe of a Guidance Guild Member and they are not, then they could get into serious
trouble that way. But if they are wearing period clothing, then just judge by the feeling overall you are getting while they
are in your presence. Q: How can I remember my dreams? A: First, you might want to write out your dreams while
you are still having them fresh in your mind, so you can keep a journal of your experiences. A trick to that is to just before
you open up your eyes in the morning, but realize you are "now awake"---Ask yourself "what did I just dream?"
Then think back and remember each scene as much as possible followed by the next scene, etc. even before you open up your
eyes. It is this "altered state" that you are still kind of in that aids you much in remembering that which occurred
during your dream-state. Another suggestion is to also ask yourself what was my feelings during the dream? That makes you
sense more the "theme" of the dream. Q: What exactly is a dream? A dream is a link to the Spirit Realm,
our basic location where we strive to convey our thoughts, messages and perhaps even our Higher Self into our Lower Self which
is us down here. We are so much more than we realize we are. The Lord uses our sleep time to our advantage in learning and
retaining those messages through the use of clear word-messages, plus symbolism as well as emotions we feel during the dream,
which also send forth a meaning for our current life situation. Some people do this journaling of their dreams, and have such
wonderful experiences with the theme being shown them while they are transcribing them down on paper. You, too, may find this
happening, as when you write it down, try to view your dream from the standpoint of an observer who is watching the whole
scenario, (much like a journalist) and then it helps to be able to sense it from an impartial way. This impartiality is
what helps you sense it from the standpoint of a Guide observing the dream, as always there are these dreams that just "ramble
on" but then right in the middle or towards the end of these "rambling on scenario dreams" comes the Meaningful
Dream(s) that bring with it your lessons. So often people are not quite asleep, so the rambling on dreams give them a lulling
affect, so delude the dreamer, so that more of an honest reaction is observed. Q: What is a Chakra? A: A Chakra
is a huge portal which is Divinely interlinked to the Holy Oneness of the Living God. They are vortexes of swirling Energy
reflecting the energy colors that are emitted from them. Also called "portals" these Chakras also allow you to access
information through each of them, as they are directly linked to the Holy Spirit, thus allowing those of the Light to be able
to aid others through the usage of Claircognizance, clairvoyance, clairaudience, and Clairsentience. (Clairvoyance=clear-knowingness,
clairvoyance=clear-seeing, clairaudience=clear-hearing, and Clairsentience=clear-sensing (emotionally). Q: Are there
more Chakras than 7? A: Yes, we have up to 36 Chakras up above the human body. There are seven Chakras inside the human
body, and the upper ones extend way above the human energy field. The 8th Chakra is the one 3 feet above the head, followed
by the 9th Chakra which is about 14 feet directly above the head, then by the 10th Chakra, which is 22 feet above the head.
Up above that is the 11th Chakra which is 70 feet above the person's head, followed by the 12th Chakra which is over 200 feet
above the person's head. We truly are One with God when you look at us from the Standpoint of Spirit. Up in Spirit our Auric
Fields blend with the Eternal Hope of the Holy Father to become One with us which truly then shows that there is No Separation
between us and Holy Father. So when you look at it from the viewpoint of Spirit, this link is established inside you, and
will forever be there. It also is a wonderful way to link to God as it comes into you directly through the portal of the Holy
Spirit within. Remember, we are Spiritual Beings encased in Physical Bodies down here on Earth. And with that, we realize
that our bodies are surrounded by this Energy Field which is called the Auric Field, and then this Field is linked within
itself to the Creator, the Cosmos and all of the Holy Spirit. That way we can then sense the hugeness of this wonderful beingness
down here on Earth! We are truly beings of Living Oneness with our Holy Father. And that Oneness is exemplified with the having
our Self inside showing that which is our True Self, our Eternal Self. Q: What is an Auric field? A: The Auric
Field, also called the Human Energy Field is a luminous body that surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body, and emits
its own characteristic radiation. All beings down here from the smallest insect to the human being has Energy, and that he
physical body which is the Auric field. The Aura is the surrounding vibrational display of our Divine Oneness with Creator.
Q: What usually causes a huge feeling of peace to come over you? A: It is that "oneness", that beautiful
connection to the Holy Spirit comes this Divine Peace within. The Bible states it as "the peace that passeth all understanding"
That indeed is the Holy Spirit. Q: If Jesus wasn't divine, are his teachings just as important and meaningful, so
can Hindus who don't recognize Jesus as divine still learn from his teachings? A: Always are there Divine Truths that are
concurrent in all basic religions within the framework of Peace Within, or God Within, and in the Holy Bible Jesus remarked
that the Kingdom of Heaven is Within. Notice that the Within message is important. Q: Similar to the Eastern concept
of Nirvana? A: There are many Paths to God, and all Paths eventually lead to God no matter what type of religious belief
exists. God is at the ultimate finality of all religions, as when we finally reach Nirvana there is this Peace Within that
catapults us into the Brahma state and that, too, is ultimate Peace. Q: What are "Adjusters" in the Spirit
Realm? A: They are those who are trained to counsel and work with newly-returned Spirit individuals. I have psychically
met some of these fine advanced Souls and feel that they do a wonderful job aiding those newly-returned Spirits to the Other
Side. They are trained fully with this also, as it is much of a strain sometimes doing this serious work. Those who qualify
to become an Adjuster are those who have undergone several years of training in counseling and subjects related to psychology.
Many times they were counselors on the Earth Plane prior to their own return, so you can see that they have qualifications.
Also there is the fact that they do work with the Angelic Realm, so their own plane they dwell on usually is up above the
7th Plane. Q: Is Meditation something we are supposed to do, as in God wanting us to do this? A: Yes, of course!
In fact, below is a listing of verses where meditation is mentioned in the Bible: Gen. 24:63 - And Isaac went out
to meditate in the field in the evening... Joshua 1:8 This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but
you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you
shall make your way prosperous , and then you shall have good success. Ps. 1:2...but his delight is in the law of
the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. Ps. 19:14 - Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my
heart be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. Ps 49:3 - My mouth shall speak wisdom; the meditation
of my heart shall be understanding. Ps. 63:6-8 - ...when I think of thee upon my bed, and meditate on thee in the
watches of the night; for thou hast been my help, and in the shadow of thy wings I sing for joy. My soul clings to thee; thy
right hand upholds me. Ps. 77:12 - I will meditate on all thy work, and muse on thy mighty deeds. Ps 104:34
- May my meditation be pleasing to him, for I rejoice in the Lord. Ps.119:15 - I will meditate on thy precepts, and
fix my eyes on they ways. Ps 119:97 - Oh, how I love thy law! It is my meditation all the day. Ps. 119:23-24
- Even though princes sit plotting against me, thy servant will meditate on thy statutes. Thy testimonies are my delight,
they are my counselors. Ps. 119-48 - I will revere thy commandments, which I love, and I will meditate on thy statues.
Ps. 148:5 - I remember the days of old, I meditate on all that thou hast done;... 1st Tim 4:15 - Meditate upon
these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all. Q: What is an Over-soul? A:
Your Higher Self blending with the Cosmos, The Universe, The Holy Father, The Energy of the Christ Consciousness, and then
the Lower Self which is "us down here". All is interconnected you see. We ascend into a higher state of consciousness
with the two, the Higher and the Lower Selfs blending into one. Our higher Chakras, those Chakras that are the 9th, 10th,
11th, and some of us are having the 12th Chakra brought into our Auric Fields and linked so that we can sense us as a continuous
blend of the Holy Spirit into our physical bodies, with each Chakra being now blessed with the Christ Energy. It radiates
to the point of showing the inner strength of the Holy Father, plus the Yin Vibration of the Mother God Energy, too, which
is the Holy Spirit. Q: The other day when I was meditating. A little while into it. I saw this red
flash. Then right after I saw a white/silver flash like a star in the sky. My eyes were closed when this happened. I am wondering
what this was? Any ideas of what it could have been? A: What you witnessed were your own thoughts generating energy.
This transfers into the Thought Band Wavelength which then transfers into space/cosmos. So in essence when you elevated yourself
during meditation you were conscious of your own thoughts expanding outwards into the universe, clearing showing you the rapidness
of how fast they travel. Q: I was wondering if there was any significance to dreams in black and white? I normally
dream in color, but occationally there is the odd one that is black and white. I know other people have mentioned it before
to me, and I was just wondering what other people thought of it? A: Black and white dreams usually signify that the
chakras are dim when you are dreaming the dream. So that makes for a significant deduction when there is a lot of strain on
your mind to be having the dream plus being out of body. You see, you are usually out of body when you are having a dream
to begin with, yet when you have been astral traveling a bit too long, or longer than is needed, your body starts to send
signals to the brain to reduce the vibration rate, hence the tone of the strength of the dreams are lessened. This causes
the black and white dimness. Q: What does it mean to have recurring dreams? A: As dreams come to us via our
Spirit Guides and Angels, we need to see the theme that would be represented here with repetitive dreams. For example if we
have repetitive dreams about our former workplace and employer: What would that old workplace represent? What does the idea
generated by being back there "once again mean to me? What type of character was my former boss and how does their personality
that influenced me now have meaning in my current life? So try to now analyze this and examine your current workplace and
how you have learned from your past employer and workplace to aid you now in current workplace stressful issues. We always
learn from both negative and positive past experiences wonderful and valuable lessons that we would not otherwise have learned
had we not gone through them. So take all that you can recall from these past experiences and consider them all "Life
Lessons", then work that theme into these recurring dream messages. That way you would sense the similarities and recall
how you handled former problems, remembering what worked the best and what made matters worse. You could then remember the
mistakes that you made in handling those former problems, and to not repeat those once again. The whole thing of having repetitive
dreams given us is to emphasize the message given us by our Spirit Guides so that we will remember the message in our waking
state plus to help train us during the night is to thwart our making the same mistakes over and over again. Q: How
does Heaven cope with high death tolls? A: That's a good question, and one that I asked many years ago when Romania
had that terrible earthquake killing about 25,000 people in the late 1980's. The Lord said that they have them all gathered
in several arenas whereby they have an announcer in their native tongue calmly telling them to go to certain areas where they
will be taken to homes and brought into group houses till they find suitable houses and apartments of their own. Many times
other relatives are alerted quickly that they will have new returnees coming to be staying with them and they are of course
upset about the loss of life, yet they usually volunteer right away to take them into their houses and apartments so that
they can rest and be comforted and supported by friends and family. There usually is told them that there is a bit of a shortage
of housing, which in these cases it is understood, yet overall they do have a lot of places that they could live. It just
takes time to get such large numbers of people taken care of. They are still working on the enormous amount of Tsunami victims
from a couple of years ago getting them settled permanently. They do use a lot of "half-way houses" where they put
people in larger homes with numerous bedrooms, sharing the rooms with others in a temporary way, much like "hostels"
over in Europe have. Q: The other day when I was meditating. A little while into it. I saw this red flash. Then right
after I saw a white/silver flash like a star in the sky. My eyes were closed when this happened. I am wondering what this
was? Any ideas of what it could have been? A: What you witnessed were your own thoughts generating energy. This transfers
into the Thought Band Wavelength which then transfers into space/cosmos. So in essence when you elevated yourself during meditation
you were conscious of your own thoughts expanding outwards into the universe, clearing showing you the rapidness of how fast
they travel. Q: I was wondering if there was any significance to dreams in black and white? I normally dream in color,
but occationally there is the odd one that is black and white. I know other people have mentioned it before to me, and I was
just wondering what other people thought of it? A: Black and white dreams usually signify that the chakras are dim
when you are dreaming the dream. So that makes for a significant deduction when there is a lot of strain on your mind to be
having the dream plus being out of body. You see, you are usually out of body when you are having a dream to begin with, yet
when you have been astral traveling a bit too long, or longer than is needed, your body starts to send signals to the brain
to reduce the vibration rate, hence the tone of the strength of the dreams are lessened. This causes the black and white dimness.
Q: What does it mean to have recurring dreams? A: As dreams come to us via our Spirit Guides and Angels, we need
to see the theme that would be represented here with repetitive dreams. For example if we have repetitive dreams about our
former workplace and employer: What would that old workplace represent? What does the idea generated by being back there "once
again mean to me? What type of character was my former boss and how does their personality that influenced me now have meaning
in my current life? So try to now analyze this and examine your current workplace and how you have learned from your past
employer and workplace to aid you now in current workplace stressful issues. We always learn from both negative and positive
past experiences wonderful and valuable lessons that we would not otherwise have learned had we not gone through them. So
take all that you can recall from these past experiences and consider them all "Life Lessons", then work that theme
into these recurring dream messages. That way you would sense the similarities and recall how you handled former problems,
remembering what worked the best and what made matters worse. You could then remember the mistakes that you made in handling
those former problems, and to not repeat those once again. The whole thing of having repetitive dreams given us is to emphasize
the message given us by our Spirit Guides so that we will remember the message in our waking state plus to help train us during
the night is to thwart our making the same mistakes over and over again. Q: How does Heaven cope with high death tolls?
A: That's a good question, and one that I asked many years ago when Romania had that terrible earthquake killing about
25,000 people in the late 1980's. The Lord said that they have them all gathered in several arenas whereby they have an announcer
in their native tongue calmly telling them to go to certain areas where they will be taken to homes and brought into group
houses till they find suitable houses and apartments of their own. Many times other relatives are alerted quickly that they
will have new returnees coming to be staying with them and they are of course upset about the loss of life, yet they usually
volunteer right away to take them into their houses and apartments so that they can rest and be comforted and supported by
friends and family. There usually is told them that there is a bit of a shortage of housing, which in these cases it is understood,
yet overall they do have a lot of places that they could live. It just takes time to get such large numbers of people taken
care of. They are still working on the enormous amount of Tsunami victims from a couple of years ago getting them settled
permanently. They do use a lot of "half-way houses" where they put people in larger homes with numerous bedrooms,
sharing the rooms with others in a temporary way, much like "hostels" over in Europe have. Q: I am trying
to tune into the Fairie Kingdom, any suggestions? A:. Please do not get involved with the dark, and Faeries are on
a bandwidth level that is in the Minus Category of Dimension Level Two. Earth dwells in the Third Dimension, so you can imagine
that if you are accessing a lesser wavelength, this vibration tone will be deeper in resonance, harder to live in, and of
course the obvious: a great deal of negativity involved, depending upon the gullibility factor. Faeries and Elves are truly
of a Minus Level and will be affording themselves the primary energy so as to keep you enslaved to them. Placing your intentions,
support, credence, beliefs, or turning your Will over to Faeries or such beings will throw away and negate all you have gained
thus far, and could disrupt your Auric Field to the point of having Spirit Attachments brought into your Chakras.
The spectrum now is widening to the point of the Light becoming brighter and more high, plus the darkness is also increased,
like a pendulum swinging but in a stronger more fuller way than before with this Awakening or "The Quickening".
The dimensions are now overlapping like never before, too, and the Veils are being thinned or removed totally. Being prepared
for this and using good judgment is essential. Q: I dreamt the other night, that a spirit came into me and spoke
to a woman through my mouth. I told her that a baby was coming and made a cradling gesture with my arms. This felt very unusual
as I could feel the spirit within me. Didn't know quite how to understand that because during sleep we are back in our spirit
form anyway, yet the spirit still came within me? A: Apparently that would be a type of full channeling experience
in which you are not in control. Anytime you are not in control over yourself, that just isn't "right", and it
doesn't sit well within ones Soul either during or afterwards. It's like we "wake up whilst we are "there"
and become instantly conscious that we are: 1. Now in the Spirit Realm. 2. Something is going on involving us. 3. We are
"witnessing" this even though our bodily movements are being manipulated without us initiating it, (your hands cradling
an imaginary infant). 4. You want to say something here to interrupt what's taking place, even though sometimes it is hard
to just butt in and speak up. 5. We're usually so startled that we are not quite sure we are supposed to do anything other
than observe,-- kind of groggy feeling there. 6. We generally are polite individuals and feel it is awkward to just get hostile
and there again it is difficult to go from being sleepy/groggy feeling and sound asleep to being awakened and now in the Spirit
Realm plus feeling a kind of violated and shocked feeling. This takes it's toll instantly on our emotions right then and
there, too, and that makes us simultaneously startled, hesitant and upset. 7. We usually don't want to OVER-react either,
as we could make a mistake in ethics also by rushing into something that we consider COULD be a set up and a Test Scenario
with our maturity and ethics level. 8. The shock energy of being now suddenly placed in circumstances that we are feeling
that it is like a light trance state to begin with and trying to clear our heads and react to the new circumstances that makes
the Soul Connection within us feel a type of violation happeneing there, even if we are not harmed in these test dream circumstances.
All in all, it places a huge burden on our senses in a matter of just seconds to minutes in our dream state, even though
we maybe lucid to a degree, and that also needs to be understood. What is being Lucid mean anyways? It is us being totally
awake in the Spirit Realm, and KNOWING full well that we are THERE in that state. Yet there are varying degrees of lucidity,
too, from slightly to mostly lucid in-between. I personally tend to not react quickly, as I have this ingrained civility
and politeness within me that tends to be more of a hampering rather than an asset in my opinion. You were given
a choice to either participate fully within the test case, or to just balk and say, Wait a minute, this isn't right as I have
not given my permission". The dream was indeed a test by your Spirit Guides and the subject was "all about granting
of permission and what a person should do if they are imposed upon", she says, and states that you made it clear though
that you were not willing to have just a stranger come inside you even while you were up in the Spirit Realm". Being
bothered about it as it happens or right afterwards when you're awake in the morning give the person something to reconsider
overall about channeling any Spirit, she is saying. Always as soon as you notice this occuring Protest It". Do not
just accept it and be polite, and that is where the control over you own life comes into this with the waking/conscious state
as well as the sleeping/unconscious state. No one likes to be used or taken advantage of, it feels like an insult to your
Spirit when it happens, and you are feeling sorrow from being used in this way, even if it was in a neutral way like your
dream was. Q. What is the Second Coming of Christ? A: The Second Coming of Christ is now upon us with the
Spiritual Awakening, thus our being now able to see our Lord Jesus whenever we wish to if we JUST ASK. He is now there for
those who love Him. That is why this is called the Second Coming, and not something like "He is now physically here time".
He will not be coming fully here in the flesh, yet He will be viewed by all those who love Him sometime in the near future
in a cloud in our skies. Q: What is judgment? A: As to judgment, the Lord told me many years ago "The
lack of motivation is the single-most problem in the Universe." Trying to keep us motivated with wanting to improve has
been the foundation of many laws and rules that the Lord has imposed upon us. I know in the last chapter of the Book of Revelation
it is written "Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense, to repay everyone for what he has done. I am the Alpha
and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. If you think of a question you would like answered
here, please email Lilly at