Shamanism versus Christ Consciousness Energy
By Lilly
Love Energy, which is the Christ
Consciousness Energy Bandwidth, resonates at the Highest Level. Light Energy resonates at the Second Highest Level. In differentiating
the two bandwidths, Love Vibration Energy is much higher in the bandwidth, much higher in the level of Octave Wave Length.
Those who take a secondary path with the lesser of the two wavelengths will find themselves in a lesser bandwidth, it's just
that simple.
The Angelic Realm begins on the 12th Dimension and goes on up.
The Lightworker Bandwidth is from the 7th Dimension to the 11th Dimension.
Shamanism is not of the Living Oneness of the Lord Jesus Christ,
nor is it of any wavelength inside the Angelic Dominion. Here again there is the division between the two wavelengths and
thus creating a lesser path with the vibrational tone of the AUM augmented with the sound of the Third or Solar Plexus Chakra,
which is now brought forth through the Id, the Ego. If you could visualize it through the eyes of a psychic who can view the
Auric Field, you would see the accessing of the Id through the Third Chakra, rather than the direct route through the Fourth
or Hearth Chakra. The Hearth Chakras is the link to the Energy of the Christ Vibration coming straight down from God Almighty
through the Holy Spirit of the Heart Chakra. The Heart Chakra must be the Main Access Connection Through the Energy of the
Highest Possible Link, which there again is the Holy Spirit Christ Energy, not the Solar Plexus Third
Chakra. The energy of the whole attempt with Shamanism practice connects with the Solar Plexus (Third) Chakra and goes no
further than the Third Chakra. Shammanism therefore links too low to actually cause the human being to fully recover, as it
is not directly involving upper Chakras which therefore bring out the reason why the trouble exists medically. There is little
else one can do other than emit a radiation of their own Auric Field directly into the patient's Auric Field to heighten
for the time being or remaining hours to days afterwards the heightened effects. It does not provide a cure or otherwise granting
of the removal of the said affliction.
Accessing a lower vibrational rate can always be lead astray with the energy
coming forth through the Self-Empowerment thought process, and clearly doing anything with the idea of accessing something
totally not of your own creation within another dimension can lead to trouble if there is not the placement of honoring God
First and having the idea clearly that God does the leading here, not the Shaman. If the Shaman is directly giving the whole
attempt over to God, the Great Spirit, Yahway, or Whomever the person calls God, then God will lead the action as there was
in place now the Honoring of God and having God lead the Shaman. If not,
then there will be only the accessing of the Id or Ego itself of the said Shaman and as I explained earlier, it will not cure
nor will it provide lasting positive effects, since it is not accessing the highest level.
If you place God FIRST,
then everything else falls naturally into place.