Physical Mediumship
-Can Versus Should- By Lilly I
wanted to bring up the subject of Physical Mediumship as it is something that some of you are able to do, yet there are issues
also with this much deeper level of Spirit contact. What is Physical Mediumship? It is a complicated approach to doing mediumship,
yet it was done early on in the history of mediumship only because it was the accepted way at the time, plus they had someone
they trusted on the Other Side who was a part of a team effort there to keep them from overtiring themselves due to the deeper
level of Spirit contact. The Veils were not parted at this time so there was a much larger separation between the two realms,
which made some mediums do light-to-deep level trance mediumship as a conduit between these much separated planes. Psychics
would allow themselves to relax deeply and give their Spirit Self permission to step aside and have another Spirit come into
their body and inhabit their body for a time. This "allowing" is in the Will Centers which is in the back of the person, (see
illustration).  By the psychic giving
permission the Spirit or Spirits can travel into the psychic's Auric Field and even go through the energy of the Chakras to
inhabit the psychic for the mediumship during which time the Spirit is allowed this entrance through
the same Chakras and thereby USING THE PSYCHIC'S OWN ENERGY. As you can sense, this type of contact has its hazards, which
is also why the medium would use a "Control" who was a well-trusted Spirit person to be in charge of this contact since the
medium thereby has spiritually stepped aside. In the history of mediumship there used to be the guide on the Spirit Realm
side who was listed as a "Control"--someone trusted by the psychic and having an established relationship who would be there
to protect the medium allowing themselves to go into a light trance to full trance state and have another Spirit speak through
them, using them as a vessel, so to speak. This nowadays has fallen by the wayside with having a "Control" and we don't need
this service any longer, since we have a much better and more direct link through our own alignment to the Christ Consciousness
Energy and Holy Spirit. Since the vibrations have been raised so much for us now, it isn't all that necessary and should be
evaluated as to worth. It also raises the question "Just because we can do something, does it also mean we should
do it?" You see, Guides will give us another connection ability in order to see how we use this new linkage, and in order
to test to see what type of link we will establish and now much control we will turn over to another Spirit what we have in
ourselves, that is where some trouble issues can cause us difficulties as an after-effect.
Guides do test with giving the psychic person more and more psychic connections,
yet they stand back and observe how the psychic handles this new aspect of their ability. One thing I've always noticed with
being psychic is to not assume that it is all right to do something just because you notice that you now can
do something. It goes into the category of "CAN VERSUS SHOULD" testing, and a good example of this is "Physical Mediumship".
Doing Physical Mediumship does need to be evaluated
by a psychic with the "Pro's and the Con's" of this type of connection which is basically the psychic allowing the Spirit
further access to their Auric Field and their physical body. Remember in the movie "Ghost" whereby Whoopie Goldberg's character
"Oda Mae" had a Spirit come into the séance she was conducting? The Spirit just sat down inside her body, and then she was
not speaking like herself or acting like herself? In the movie scene she didn't invite this Spirit, and she pushed the Spirit
fellow out, bawling him out for doing it. The Spirit was exhausted, too, from this type of direct contact. In real life a
psychic can be just as exhausted by this direct contact if they are doing it longer than say 20 minutes. It drains their energy
and their "wholeness of self feeling" also, since their Auric Field is directly intertwined with another human being's (the
Spirit's) energy pattern which is not like theirs. It can cause the human/flesh person to be unsettled or jarred in their
nerves, too, and could even make them have the problem of sleeping later, especially when they've done this in the evening
hours. That's why I am bringing this up, since linking to Spirit is all right, but not to do it so deeply that you are now
giving up your energy to another, to be filling yourself with their energy. Mixing the two energies can make you have another
problem, which is ALLOWED, since you yourself invited this to happen with your willingness, and that is why Guides test to
see if the person is willing to do this. This "Allowed Problem" can result in having your Auric Field become more fragile
and show major tears or ruptures in the fullness of the original shape oval shape. The edges of the Auric Field will look
like they are frayed, much like the edges of an old flag that has been waving in the wind for a long time. This now frayed
Auric layer allows for entrance by those of the lower vibrations since the energy is not as strong there to protect the psychic
who has gotten involved in Physical Mediumship unwisely. It will be corrected over time, but remember that we are Spiritual
Beings encased in Physical Bodies and once in a while we do get tested to see if we are doing what is morally right with our
usage of psychic linking. Making ourselves vulnerable is not what is intended for us when we link to the Spirit Realm, and
that is why Guides wish for us to be careful in the way we link. Being empathic also has its complications much the same as
in doing mediumship trance channeling with linking too closely to the situation or Spirit when doing psychic work. I saw on
a program called "Unexplained Mysteries" where there was a young psychic woman at an old hotel known to be haunted giving
her impressions of what she was visually seeing in one of the hotel rooms there. She became overwhelmed with crying and ran
from one of the rooms, unable to continue. She had linked too deeply with the tragedy that had occurred there from a woman
many years ago jumping out of the window to her death in that room. She allowed herself to be drawn in to the trapped energy
and the Ghost of the woman who committed suicide. All this is important as it means that we can as psychics get too deeply
attached to what we are linking to when we give a reading. There has to be a limit to what we do and use precautions always
with this type of contact. Why would the guides allow this to happen or even offer this ability if we shouldn't use it? That
is a good question since we do have abilities that can benefit others, yet does it do the other person good to hear more
directly the words of the Spirit they are having this contact with through you, or to have the medium just relay what
that Spirit person is saying? We can as mediums give so much evidence and validation that we don't need to do such a deeper
level of Spirit communication just in order to present the information to the recipient. Guides know the "cause and effect"
issue very well, and they want to train us so that we can benefit others without causing harm to ourselves either Karmically
or otherwise. They work for the Highest Good, which is why when we need to learn a lesson it is ultimately we that decides
whether it is the easy way or the hard way. I honestly wouldn't recommend doing trance mediumship because if you go about
it with the regular process, you really don't need Physical Mediumship as a method of doing mediumship. I've done it a few
times in years past, yet when I was through with the session it did make me feel like "why did I need to do this, when I could
have just relayed the information by just saying what the Spirit said to me and then passing it on?" I was much more tired
and did have difficulty sleeping that night afterwards, too. It is something that each psychic needs to evaluate to see if
it is right for him or her. Sometimes you can do it well with having someone on the Other Side watching over you (the "Control")
and keeping you well protected; yet their job is clear, but sometimes here on Earth we have conditions such as questions by
the Readee and they can prolong the contact that the medium is having due to numerous questions, etc. so you can see that
it is fairly easy to get drained from over-extending the time leaving you vulnerable.    
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